Laramie Local Government

Alarmed at the character of this mass of depraved humanity, the better element took steps to organize some system of government which would secure them protection against the desperate characters who flocked in here in such immense hordes.

On the 8th of May there was posted up a call for a mass meeting of the citizens for the purpose of organizing a provisional local government. This meeting was held at Tivoli Hall:

M. C. Brown was named for mayor

John Guerrelle, for marshal

E. Nagle, J. C. Crissman, G. P. Drake and M. Townsley, for Trustees

P. H. Tooley, for clerk.

An election was held on the 12th day of May at which over 900 votes were polled and the above named gentlemen were declared elected. It must be borne in mind that, at this time, Wyoming Territory was not even organized, nor was there any county or municipal organization by authority of which any local government could be established. These gentlemen, however, made a vigorous effort to put in motion the machinery of this provisional government, but backed by no legislative authority they found it impossible to stem the current, and three weeks after Judge Brown, the mayor, resigned his position and declined to head any further effort in that direction. For some weeks anarchy ran riot, murder and robbery were common, and neither life nor property were safe.

Government at Last

About this time an organization of the territory of Wyoming was perfected by the appointment of Federal officers, and the governor and other officials reached the territory in May, 1869, and immediately proceeded to put in motion the machinery of government for the new territory. They appointed county officers and instituted courts, and the first regular term of a court was held in Albany County, in June, 1869, Judge William T. Jones, associate justice of the Supreme Court, presiding, with N. K. Boswell as sheriff of the county. This term of court was effectual in establishing law and order and gave to long harassed people a feeling of safety and security.


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Source: Annals of Wyoming, Volume 15, April 1943, Wyoming Historical Department, Cheyenne, Wyoming.

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